HTTP ( Himti Togetherness and Top Performance )
HTTP ( Himti Togetherness and Top Performance ) are the event that being hosted by Himti ( Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik Informatika ) this event are held in the BPPT II Building in Thamrin, Central Jakarta. we have to attend this event because its like the welcoming ceremony for the new School of computer science Binusians.
In HTTP there’s many interesting show, performance like band , drama, DJ performance , Guest Star and many others. there’s benefit by attending the HTTP event.We can get T-shirts, Himti Kit, Himti exclusive PIN and E certificate.
The event starts from 09.00 am until 06.00 pm, there’s a performance from a senior and there are welcoming speech from the lecturer from the School of Computer Science and from the President of the Himti Kemanggisan and the President of the Himti Alam Sutera. and then there’s the drama about the visualization of Himti it was very funny. and there’s the performance from the Guest Star that’s Rianti Duke, they do some covers and it sounds really good. and the best part from this event is the DJ performance it was very exciting.
In my opinion, HTTP is my favourite part of the FEP.
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